Ο Οικουμενικός Πατριάρχης κ.κ. Βαρθολομαίος Α΄, ευρισκόμενος προ ολίγων μόλις ημερών στην Ουγγαρία, ομίλησε -σε ρουμανικό εκκλησιαστικό τηλεοπτικό κανάλι- αφενός μεν για την πρόσκληση, την οποία του έχει απευθύνει ο Πατριάρχης Ρουμανίας κ. Δανιήλ, για να συμμετάσχει στα Εγκαίνια του νέου Καθεδρικού Ναού στο Βουκουρέστι, τον Δεκέμβριο του 2018, αφετέρου δε για την άριστη σχέση που έχει το Οικουμενικό Πατριαρχείο με την αδελφή Εκκλησία της Ρουμανίας, μάλιστα δε με τον νυν Πατριάρχη κ. Δανιήλ παλαιόθεν, αλλά και εν τω πλαισίω της Αγίας και Μεγάλης Συνόδου της Κρήτης, το 2016.
We follow from the Phanar, from the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the great and varied activity of the Holy Church of Romania, His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew said in an exclusive Trinitas TV interview, adding that we are proud of our once a daughter, and now the sister Church of Romania, to which I convey a special greeting from Budapest, on this historical day.
At the end of last week, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew paid an official visit to Hungary for the reception of a new building for the headquarters of the Orthodox Exarchate of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Hungary.
On Aug. 20, His Holiness talked about the harmonious ties he has with the Primate of the Romanian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel.
First I embrace fraternally His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, a genuine friend and brother in Christ, with whom we have collaborated harmoniously all these years for the glory of the Lord, and for the stability and witness of our Holy Orthodox Church.
The Ecumenical Patriarch appreciated Patriarch Daniel’s contribution to the fulfillment of the 2016 Council in Crete, saying that we will never forget his special and valuable contribution, or his support in the preparation and the fulfillment of the Holy and Great Council.
The Patriarch of Constantinople pointed to the theological qualities of Patriarch Daniel saying that our brother, the Head of the Romanian Church, has not only a healthy ecclesial wisdom, but also a deep theological education. He is a consummate theologian, a thing which he has proven in the West, when he lectured at Bossey – a place where I have studied too during my youth – and also later, in his quality of hierarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, and after years as her Primate.
Patriarch Bartholomew referred to the National Cathedral and expressed both his joy for its construction and his intention to take part in the consecration ceremony.
I also convey my fraternal embrace to all the brothers, hierarchs of the Romanian Orthodox Church. I wish you to complete as soon as possible the majestic Patriarchal Cathedral, which is now being built in Bucharest, he said.
The Ecumenical Patriarch recalled the invitation received from Patriarch Daniel to participate in the inauguration of the Romanian People’s Salvation Cathedral, noting that since last year after the Holy and Great Council, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel invited me to attend the consecration in December 2018.
He expressed his desire to take part in the consecration ceremony of the most important Orthodox Cathedral in Romania, and considered the event “great and historical”.
Every time I return to Romania, it is for me a great joy, exultation and honour. All the more if I be vouchsafed to come to a great and historical event such as the consecration of the new Patriarchal Cathedral in the heart of Bucharest.
His Holiness pointed to the varied activities carried out by the Romanian Orthodox Church saying that the Ecumenical Patriarchate follows them with much interest and understands that everything is performed for the glory of God.
We follow from the Phanar, from the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the great and varied activity of the Holy Church of Romania, of her hierarchs, monasteries, and of her rational flock, of the good priests, of her plenitude. All are performed for the glory of God.
During his interview, the Ecumenical Patriarch said he is proud of the Romanian Church, and conveyed his greetings to the hierarchs, monastics, clergy and faithful in Romania.
We are proud of our once a daughter, and now the sister Church of Romania, to which I convey a special greeting from Budapest, on this historical day, in which we received from the Hungarian authorities an important, historical building in the centre of Budapest to be the headquarters of our Exarchate.
Patriarch Bartholomew also referred to the reception of the new building that will be the headquarters of the Orthodox Exarchate of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Hungary, stressing the importance of fraternal cooperation between sister Orthodox Churches in order to bear joint witness to the world.
Of course, our Exarchate’s headquarters will be available for all Orthodox faithful. His Eminence Metropolitan of Austria, who is our Exarch here, is open to all the sister Orthodox Churches. Both he and we desire to have a genuine fraternal cooperation with all other Orthodox representations here and to bear joint witness to our Orthodox Church and her treasures, mainly to her spirituality.
His Holiness ended his interview by thanking His Grace Siluan, Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Hungary, for the interview broadcast by the Trinitas TV Station of the Romanian Patriarchate.
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