Προεορτάστηκαν χθες τα Χριστούγεννα 2018 (με το παλαιό ημερολόγιο) για τους Σλαβόφωνους Ορθόδοξους στη Λουσάκα της Ζάμπιας, λειτουργούντος του εξ Ελλάδος Πρωτοπρεσβυτέρου Νικολάου Γουρδούπη, Ταξιάρχου, Διευθυντού Θρησκευτικής Υπηρεσίας Στρατού.
Sunday, January 6, 2019. Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil is served with Vespers. by Very Rev. Nikolaos Gurdumbis at the Chapel of Holy Orthodox Diocese at Kalundu -Lusaka for The Slavic/Orthodox Christmas (Nativity of Our Savior ).
Message of His Eminence Ioannis
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Christus se rodi !
Voistenu se rodi!
On this holy night I extend my heartfelt greetings to you all and from the depths of my soul I congratulate you on the great feast of the Nativity of Christ: the feast of the fulfillment of the promises of old for the salvation of the human race, the feast of the ineffable love of the Maker towards his creation, the feast of the coming into the world of the Son of God who is the Messiah.
As I spiritually rejoice today together with all of you ,my prayerful wish is that each of you shall enjoy health of soul and body, peace in your families and success in your labours. And may the Lord and Saviour who was born in Bethlehem grant to each of us the opportunity with renewed strength and with all our heart to feel his presence in our lives.
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