Επιμέλεια παρουσίασης: π. Παναγιώτης Καποδίστριας
Σήμερα, 5.2.2022, στην Επισκοπή Νιέρι και Όρους Κένυας, ο οικείος Ποιμενάρχης, Θεοφιλέστατος Επίσκοπος κ. Νεόφυτος, πληροφορήθηκε ότι ο Ρώσος εντεταλμένος του Πατριαρχείου Μόσχας για τις κατά τόπους εισβολές και εισπηδήσεις σε Ναούς ανά την Αφρική, ο ανεκδιήγητος π. Γεώργιος Μαξίμοφ, έφθασε με τα... τσιράκια του σε Ναό της εκκλησιαστικής δικαιοδοσίας του Πατριαρχείου Αλεξανδρείας, για ιεροπραξίες κι επίδειξη δύναμης, όπως συνήθως πράττει ανά τον κόσμο η Ρωσική Εκκλησία.
Την κατάληψη αυτήν απέτρεψε με γενναιότητα ο ίδιος ο επιχώριος Επίσκοπος κ. Νεόφυτος, ο οποίος παρενέβη δυναμικά και κυριολεκτικά εξεδίωξε, με ανδρείο φρόνημα και πολλή παρρησία, τον εκ Ρωσίας ιερωμένο, απεσταλμένο του ψευδο-Εξάρχου Λεωνίδα Κλιν και λοιπών πουτινο-κυριλλικών ιμπεριαλιστών ληστών...
Εύγε, Θεοφιλέστατε Επίσκοπε Νιέρι και Όρους Κένυας κ. Νεόφυτε! Άξιος! "Τοιούτος έπρεπεν αρχιερεύς" του Αλεξανδρινού Θρόνου!!!
Ιδού πώς διηγείται ο ίδιος ο παθών Επίσκοπος, Θεοφ. κ. Νεόφυτος, το σημερινό γεγονός:
"It is a spiritual insult and ignorance of the highest order for the clergy from the Moscow Patriarchate to invade an altar in our diocese for liturgical service knowing very well that there is a canonical spiritual authority overseeing the church in the region where that church is established. It is sad that I had to stop him with his disciples from celebrating liturgy today in Nyeri (our diocese) and asked them to leave in peace. That was an invasion which was well coordinated by the priest incharge which I have discharged him from serving the parish with immediate effect. They can establish their own and nobody will interfere with their mission. Father George the Russian priest (emissary), in his confession said that he was very sorry about it because he was not told the truth by the priest(s). Is it true? Only God knows!
For our clergy who want to or have already joined them, kindly let us respect one another. We are africans by the end of the day and if we destroy what we have built for years, we are the ones at a lose. Why all these enemity amongst ourselves??
No one will force you to stay with us but remember every action has a reaction. There is no war as far as I know...but always remember what goes around comes around, and NOT everything that glitters is Gold. Things might not be the same as they seem to be given all the hefty promises on the basket of "hope". Once the Russian church shall discover the truth about what they are engaging in and who we are, they shall speak the truth and they shall also be free and free indeed.
For now, let them enjoy the spoils from the Well of 'schism.' It will suddenly dry some day and our eyes shall be open. I will not forget to remind you to go slow and rethink your actions and decisions. Avoid insults, provocations and lies. Speak the truth on your exit because the same truth will be required of you during your coming in one day. Don't close the door back on you so hard because you may need it when you return back running. The gospel of schism and canonicity preached here in africa by the Russian Church is a deliberate attack on the Alexandrian Patriarchate because of their politics up there and this will paralyze, maime, and mutilate all that we have labored for. Do they really know that???
I am deeply in pain and my heart is bleeding having witnessed what happened today. I pray that our esteemed Spiritual hierarchy will sit down soon and find an amicable solution to this madness. It is painful to see the church split into two, it is painful to see clergy leave the church they have served for many years. Something is going wrong, very wrong somewhere and the Orthodox world is watching. All in all the Liturgy stopped today at St. Moses the black in Nyeri against my wish but the fact remains; there is ONLY One Church, one Bishop ( Spiritual Authority) at a time. We have to guard our churches and our innocent faithful who have no idea of these politics. This spiritual warfare is real.
God Save Africa!"
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